Welcome to GenO Project.

What is gender equality? Does everyone has the same opportunities?

These are the two main questions from where GenO has born: try to understand how basic human rights are guaranteed among male and female population in different countries. We analyzed seven different areas to develop our analysis: labour market, life expectancy, mortality causes, earning and social inclusion, childcare, digital economy, education.

Gender equality means same opportunities and same rights for men and women. GenO aims to understand, through different datasets, if gender equality is guaranteed and what can be done to reach equity and social justice.

In order to cope with our goals, we chose ten datasets related to our scenario. These datasets come from different and heterogeneous sources, in order to cover the main aspects related to the concept of gender equality. All the datasets are provided by reliable sources, that are Commissions from European Union, United Nations and research projects endorsed by European universities. In this website, you can browse the different sections in which the project is divided.