Our Catalogue

In this section, you can find the representation of the metadata relevant to the creation of the complete catalogue. In order to make our data reusable and interoperable, we provided them with their metadata as they are shown in the Metadata section of the project, all following the DCAT_AP (v 2.0.0) documentation. The RDF assertion for the metadata, shown at the end of the table that follows the Turtle serialization, has also been released.

Catalogue Info table

Title GenO
Description The catalogue of GenO datasets.
Publisher Arcangelo Massari, Elena Cavalli, Virginia Ciambriello
Modified 30/01/2021
Dataset https://gen-0.github.io/data/id/labour_market.zip
Dataset https://gen-0.github.io/data/id/life_expectancy.zip
Dataset https://gen-0.github.io/data/id/mortality_causes.zip
Dataset https://gen-0.github.io/data/id/gender_paygap.zip
Dataset https://gen-0.github.io/data/id/childcare.zip
Dataset https://gen-0.github.io/data/id/digital_economy.zip
Dataset https://gen-0.github.io/data/id/education.zip
Homepage https://gen-0.github.io/catalogue.html
Language English
Issued 01/02/2021
Spatial Coverage World
Licence CC-BY-SA 4.0
RDF Assertion https://gen-0.github.io/rdf_proj.ttl